Who Am I ? Why Am I Here? Hardcover

Who Am I ?  Why Am I Here? Hardcover
Item# 0982326017
Regular price: $25.00
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Product Description

Who Am I? Why Am I Here? The Company of Heaven knew extreme confusion would be part of Humanity's Ascension process. For this reason, a little over 40 years ago they asked if I would be willing to transcribe some very important information that would help people to see the bigger picture of what would be happening on Earth during the unprecedented moment we are now experiencing. The priceless information revealed in this book will give you many "Aha!" moments. It will fill in the blanks and it will definitely help you see the bigger picture of what is happening in your life. The Divine intent of this book is not only to share this priceless information with you, but also to teach you how to go within to the Divinity of your own Heart Flame where you will directly access the Sacred Knowledge from the Realms of Truth for yourself.